
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2021

Congreso Internacional Virtual « La escatología medieval » // Santiago de Compostela, 28-29 de julio de 2021.

  La escatología es uno de los componentes centrales de la cultura cristiana medieval. El fin del mundo, el Juicio Final, la salvación, el mesianismo, el Anticristo, el apocalipticismo y el milenarismo, son elementos indispensables dentro de lo que podemos denominar genéricamente como "escatología medieval". En ese universo, la llegada del Anticristo precedía al Juicio Final y al fin del mundo. Esto propiciaba la aparición de profecías y estimulaba la conformación de un presente "en espera" en función de un futuro de salvación o de condena con el horizonte del Juicio Final. Este escenario escatológico medieval lo podemos encontrar esparcido en acontecimientos, autores, textos, movimientos sociales o representaciones culturales y artísticas. En cuanto a los acontecimientos, tenemos, por ejemplo, los miedos y temores altomedievales cristalizados en los "terrores del año mil", las expectativas sobre el fin del mundo durante el siglo XI, la "...

What Did Deacons Do? Online Seminars, February 24 - 26 th 2021 #earlychristianity


Call for Abstracts: The Passions in the Platonic Tradition, Patristics and Late Antiquity (18-19 April 2021, Virtual)

  Call for Abstracts: The Passions in the Platonic Tradition, Patristics and Late Antiquity (18-19 April 2021, Virtual) Thank you kindly for sharing it with your network and anyone who may be interested. Let me know if you would require further information. Cordial greetings, McGill University Pablo Irizar Adjunct Professor of Catholic Studies School of Religious Studies https://mcgill.academia.edu/ PabloIrizar  

Argentinean Committe of Byzantine Studies - Second Virtual Meeting


II Congreso Internacional Patrimonio religioso de Iberoamérica: expresiones tangibles e intangibles (siglos XVI-XXI)

Estimado/a colega:  Desde la Red de Investigadores sobre Patrimonio Cultural Iberoamericano  nos ponemos en contacto con usted para informarle de la convocatoria de nuestro II Congreso Internacional  “Patrimonio religioso de Iberoamérica: expresiones tangibles e intangibles (siglos XVI-XXI)” , el cual se realizará en la ciudad de  Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, durante los días 7, 8 y 9 de julio de 2021 . El Congreso lo organiza la Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz de la Sierra (UPSA), en colaboración con el Grupo TriviUN (Universidad de Navarra, España) y la Fundación Visión Cultural (Bolivia). A causa de la pandemia por el covid 19, la organización prevé un congreso mixto, con ponencias presenciales para quienes puedan y deseen viajar a Santa Cruz de la Sierra, y con ponencias telemáticas (en línea) para quienes no puedan acudir al evento en persona. Los interesados, favor de consultar la información disponible en la siguiente página web: http://redpatrimon...

#newbooks Snyder, G. Christian Teachers in Second-Century Rome, BRILL Vigiliae Christianae

  Christian Teachers in Second-Century Rome.  Schools and Students in the Ancient City Series:  Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements , Volume: 159 Volume Editor:   Gregory H. Snyder Essays in  Christian Teachers in Second-Century Rome  situate Christian teachers in the social and intellectual context of the Roman urban environment. The teaching and textual work of well-known figures such as Marcion, Justin, Valentinus, and Tatian are discussed, as well as lesser-known and appreciated figures such as Theodotus the Cobbler. Authors probe material and visual evidence on teachers and teaching activity, adopting different theoretical perspectives that go beyond the traditional “church – school” dichotomy: comparative looks at physicians, philosophers and other textual experts; at synagogues, shops and other sites where students gathered around religious entrepreneurs. Taken as a whole, the volume makes a strong case for the sheer diversity of Christian teaching act...

Colloque international Le médiéviste face aux médiévalismes: rejet, accompagnement ou appropriation?

#medievalismo #medievalstudies #moyenage #medieviste #medievalismes #estudiosmedievales Mas Info: Colloque international 29 mars-2 avril 2021 @CESCM_7302 Le médiéviste face aux médiévalismes: rejet, accompagnement ou appropriation? mas en: https://medievalisme.sciencesconf.org/

#byzantinestudies 2nd International Conference on Byzantine Studies and Eastern Middle Ages

2nd International Conference on Byzantine Studies and Eastern Middle Ages, Universidade Federal de São Paulo Online, March 23–25, 2021 The 2nd International Conference on Byzantine Studies and Eastern Middle Ages is an online academic event aiming to bring together researchers of Byzantine and Eastern Medieval Studies. These scholars are encouraged to present their work and discuss new approaches to collaborate in the expansion of these contexts in Brazil. Continuing the successful first edition, this year's event becomes international. In this sense, the Conference will contribute to the dialogue between national and international researchers at different levels, whether they are doctors, masters or undergrads.  Papers on different themes addressing East Medieval societies are encouraged, as well as cross-cutting themes that highlight the connections of other geographic regions with the East.  Info:  https://en.jornadabizantina.info/

#NEWBOOKS Clement of Alexandria and the Shaping of Christian Literary Practice. Cambridge

  Clement of Alexandria and the Shaping of Christian Literary Practice.  Miscellany and the Transformation of Greco-Roman Writing J. M. F. Heath ,  University of Durham.  Cambridge University Press  2020  Online ISBN: 9781108918640 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108918640   Clement of Alexandria's Stromateis were celebrated in antiquity but modern readers have often skirted them as a messy jumble of notes. When scholarship on Greco-Roman miscellanies took off in the 1990s, Clement was left out as 'different' because he was Christian. This book interrogates the notion of Clement's 'Christian difference' by comparing his work with classic Roman miscellanies, especially those by Plutarch, Pliny, Gellius, and Athenaeus. The comparison opens up fuller insight into the literary and theological character of Clement's own oeuvre. Clement's Stromateis are contextualised within his larger literary project in Christian formation, which began w...