feminine has been a recurring topic in the authors of the patristics and has
occupied a great place in their exegetical, poetic or historical works.
However, the interest of these authors was not only directed to the analysis of
anthropological issues related to women, their place in creation and history,
but that “feminine” can be identified as an independent attribute associated
with certain behaviors and procedures, both human as divine.
evoked from its beginnings the spiritual equality of men and women, thus
generating a great attraction in the believers, who quickly became diffusers of
the new faith; However, the rhetoric about the feminine does not accompany this
enthusiasm, since the authors of the patristics gave speeches that in many
cases associated it with weakness and instability, situations very close to
The question that Jesus addresses to Mary Magdalene in the tomb, "Woman, why are you crying?", Becomes in our contemporary world a call to revisit and critically review the contributions that the first Christian literature and the Eastern and Western patristic literature have made us legacy in terms of images and readings of the feminine.
then call on the different disciplines of the broad field of philosophical,
theological, historical, linguistic and artistic studies to share their
contributions according to these coordinates:
Feminist Biblical Exegesis
Art and Iconography
Body, virginity, motherhood and sexual morality
Discipleship, leadership and patronage
The feminine in the discourses on God, the Church and heresy.
Martyrdom and monasticism
Margins and dissidence
Writers, mystics and founders
hope that your response to our call will help us to continue building bridges
for this "fusion of horizons", so necessary in the search for balance
and vitality of the Sciences of Religions and Humanities.
Organizing Committee.
D. Pablo Guzmán
BibCISAO / OSA – A.I.E.P & Dr. Mariano Splendido UNLP / CONICET
Academic Committee
Adriana Alonso, Universidad Autónoma de México
Cristina Balestrini, UBA – Saemed
Estefania Sottocorno, Universidad Nacional de
Tres de Febrero
Graciela Gómez de Aso, Pontificia Universidad
Católica Argentina
Herendira Téllez Nieto, Univ, Complutense de
Ingrid van Neer-Bruggink, Bibliotheek Augustijns Instituut NL A
Juana Torres, Universidad de Cantabria
Laela Zwollo, Tilburg University
María del Mar Marcos Sánchez, Universidad de
Paola Druille, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
Patricia Ciner, A.I.E.P.
Paulina Antacli, Universidad de Córdoba
Silvia Crochetti, Universidad de la Pampa
Viviana Boch, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
Academic Advisory
Dario Sanchez Vendramini, Universidad Nacional
de La Rioja
Esteban Noce, Universidad de Buenos Aires -Fray
Aldo Marcelo Cáceres, OSA
Fray José Guillermo Medina, OSA -Fray Juan
Antonio Buere, OSA
Fray Mauricio Saavedra, OSA -Hector Francisco,
Juan Bautista García Bazán, USAL - Julian
Barenstein, UBA – UNSAM
Pablo Ubierna, CONICET -Pbro. Arturo Saiz,
Universidad san Dámaso – Madrid
Pbro. Edgardo Morales, Patristicum
Rodrigo Laham Cohen, UBA - Mariano Troiano,
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
The length of the
abstracts and keywords must not exceed 500 characters, with a minimum of five keywords.
The deadline for submitting abstracts expires on June XX, 2021.
The full texts of the
works that have been accepted for presentation will be received until September
XX, 2021 and can be presented in any of these languages: German, Spanish,
French, English, Italian and Portuguese; with a maximum extension of 30
They will be
published in electronic format in the Augustinian Patristic Supplement,
included in Bibliotheca Augustiniana ISSN 2469 - 0341, published by the
publisher seal of the Order of Saint Augustine in Argentina, within the six
months following the completion of the Conference.
Both the abstract and
the work will be sent to: with a copy to
The works must be sent respecting the following guidelines:
• All papers will be
received only in electronic format.
• They must be sent
in Word files.
• All works must
contain the following author data: name/s and surname/s, title/s and
position/s, institutional membership, email.
• The maximum
extension is 30 (thirty) veneers. The font used for the body of the text should
be Georgia size 14 with 1.5 spacing.
• The font used for
the job title should be Georgia size 16.
• The font used for
the job title should be Georgia size 10.
• Papers may be
submitted in any of the following languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian,
German or Portuguese.
• The works will be
accompanied by two abstracts and four keywords. One of the abstracts must be
written in the language of the article, the other, in English, and must have a
maximum length of 10 lines each. The same is followed for keywords.
• Failure to comply
with these Presentation Rules will cause delays in the edition, we resort to
your kindness to allow us to speed up the editing task by complying with these
mentioned Rules.
• The font used for
the abstracts and keywords of the work must be Georgia size 10.
• The bibliography used and cited at the bottom of the page must appear at the end of the work under the heading "Bibliography" and be arranged in alphabetical order. Book titles and words written in other languages must be italicized.
• The passages cited
in the body of the text are enclosed in double quotation marks. In the event
that there is a verbatim quote within a passage cited in the body of the text,
it will be enclosed in single quotes.
• The bibliographic
citations at the foot of the page must agree exactly with the citation
provision of the works mentioned in the “Bibliography” section. The
bibliographic citations must go all - without exception - at the bottom of the
page and must adhere to the following examples:
Deberán comenzar por el archivo o institución
correspondiente, sección y legajo, tipo de documento, lugar y fecha. Por
ejemplo: AAS 98 (2006) 217-252.
Alberzoni, M. P., Chiara e il papato, Biblioteca
Francescana, 1995.
Habermehl, P.,
Perpetua und der Ägypter oder Bilder des Bösen im frühen afrikanischen
Christentum. Ein Versuch zur
Passio Sanctarum Perpetuae et Felicitatis, de Gruyter, 2004.
Articles published in magazines:
Cid López, R. M., “Egeria, peregrine y aventurera. Relato de un viaje a Tierra Santa en el siglo IV”, Arenal: Revista de Historia de Mujeres, 17.1, 2010, 5-31.
Martin, C. J.,
“Womanist Interpretations of the New Testament: The Quest for Holistic and
Inclusive Translation and Interpretation”, Journal of Feminist Studies in
Religion, 6.2, 1990, 41-61.
Articles published in compilations:
Stodnick, J., “Bodies
of Land: The Place of Genre in the Old English Martyrology” en Szarmach, P. E.
(ed.), Writing Women Saints in Anglo-Saxon England, Toronto University Press,
2013, 30-52.
Viallet, L., “Colette de Corbie nel contesto delle riforme francescane del XV secolo” en Buffon,
G. et al. (eds.), Colette di Corbie. Ripartire da Cristo sulle orme di Chiara, Porziuncola,
2014, 19-36.
The citations of
ancient authors, the Greeks will be cited according to the abbreviations of the
Greek-English Lexicon by Liddell-Scott-Jones and the Latin according to those
adopted by the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae. Roman numerals will be used, followed
by a blank space, to refer to the book or song to which the quote belongs. For
examples: Od. II 25; Plu. Cat. My. 90; Cic. orat. fifty; Verg. Aen. IV 20.
It is recommended to use the following abbreviations: ad loc., Cf., e. g., id., ibid., loc. cit., op. cit., sc., s. u., uid., or those customary in the corresponding modern languages, i.e., art. cit., col., cols., coord., dir., ed., eds., p., pp., p. e., s., ss.
Bell, R. M. (1985). La santa anoressia. Digiuno
e misticismo dal Medioevo a oggi. Bari: Laterza.
Brown, R. E. et al. (1982). María en el Nuevo
Testamento. Una evaluación conjunta de estudiosos católicos y protestantes. Salamanca: Sígueme.
Chelius Stark, J.
(ed.) (2007). Feminist Interpretations of Augustine. Pennsylvania: The
Pennsylvania State University Press.
Cohick, L. H. and
Brown Hughes, A. (2017). Christian Women in the Patristic World. Their
Influence, Authority, and Legacy in the Second through Fifth Centuries. Grand
Rapids: Baker Academic.
Cooper, K. (1996).
The Virgin and the Bride. Idealized Womanhood in Late Antiquity.
Cambridge-London: Harvard University Press.
Frugoni, C. (2006).
Una solitudine abitata. Chiara d´Assisi. Bari: Laterza.
Hylen, S. E. (2015).
A Modest Apostle. Thecla and the History of Women in the Early Church. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
James, S. L., and
Dillon, S. (eds.) (2012). A Companion to Women in the Ancient World.
Chichester: Blackwell.
Kraemer, R. S.,
D´Angelo, M. R. (1999). Women and Christian Origins. Oxford: Oxford University
Levine, A. J. (ed.).
(2008). A Feminist Companion to Patristic Literature. New York: Bloomsbury.
Lupieri, E. (ed.). Una sposa per Gesù. María
Maddalena tra antichità e posmoderno.Roma: Carocci.
Osiek, C., MacDonald,
M. and Tulloch, J. H. (2006). A Woman´s Place. House Churches in Earliest
Christianity. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
Pagels, E. (1988).
Adam, Eve, and the Serpent. New York: Vintage Books.
Radford Ruether, R.
(2012). Women and Redemption. A Theological History. Minneapolis: Fortress
Reimer, I. R. (1995).
Women in the Acts of the Apostles. A Feminist Liberation Perspective.
Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
Schüssler Fiorenza,
E. (1983). In Memory of Her. A Feminist Theological Reconstruction of Christian
Origins. New York: Crossroad.
Vauchez, A. (2016). Caterina da Siena. Una
mistica trasgressiva. Bari: Laterza.
In the event that
sanitary measures allow it:
Biblioteca Agustiniana de Buenos Aires
Av. Nazca 3909 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
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